DDECS 2023 Tallinn, Estonia
26th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems
May 3-5, 2023
Tallinn, ESTONIA

Camera-Ready Guidelines

If you have received a paper acceptance email from the TPC co-chairs, please use these author instructions to prepare your final camera-ready paper. Formatting checks are enforced in the submission phase for final manuscripts. Please allow extra time to fix any formatting errors and use  PDF eXpress  to generate a compliant file.

Due to the IEEE technical co-sponsorship of DDECS 2023, your final paper is planned to be included in IEEEXplore for archival value after the conference. However, IEEE reserves the right to exclude an accepted paper from inclusion in IEEE Xplore if it is not presented at the conference. Please follow the steps below to finalize the camera-ready version of your paper.

Please note that the following guidelines should not be followed when your paper was invited as "Invited Informal Contribution".  If your paper was invited as an Informal contribution, please do not include the IEEE copyright message nor use the PDF eXpress tool to check your paper.

Paper Formatting

DDECS 2023 accepts the following final paper lengths:

  • Regular paper (oral presentation): 6 pages maximum
  • Regular paper (poster presentation): 4 pages maximum
  • Student paper: 4 pages maximum

It is possible to purchase up to 2 extra pages for Regular papers accepted for oral presentation and Student papers. 

Before submitting the final version of your paper, please proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it requires no revision.

If you used our customized IEEE  LaTeX  and  MS Word  templates for initial paper submission, your paper should already contain the custom parts required by IEEE  (an appropriate copyright notice). Most authors should use provided custom DDECS 2023 templates “as is”, however, If you are employed by the US Government, Crown Government, or European Union, you have to change the copyright notice appropriately. LaTex users should check the LaTex checklist prior to submission.

Prepare the IEEE double-column A4 paper style format using the customized template or the official  IEEE Conference Proceeding template .

Please check, that your page margins conforms with  IEEE rules .

Do not add any page numbering, header, or footer (other than the copyright info discussed below)!


Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document. Use preferably custom DDECS 2023 IEEE templates above (the 4th notice is used in templates).

Prior to final submission, check if the copyright form in your paper is correct:

  • For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:  US Government work not protected by US copyright
  • For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:  979-8-3503-3277-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 Crown
  • For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:  979-8-3503-3277-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 European Union
  • For all other papers the copyright notice is:  979-8-3503-3277-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

IEEE requires all authors or their employers who intend to publish in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library to provide a transfer of copyright. The copyright transfer is a part of the camera-ready submission process, as described below.

LaTeX Checklist

LaTeX Users, please follow these instructions:

  • Please, check that the header of your source file looks like:\documentclass[10pt,conference,a4paper,twocolumn]{IEEEtran}
  • Note that with IEEE conferences, the author affiliation is listed under the author's name, unlike IEEE transactions.
  • Check the copyright notice! Add the following lines with the correct copyright notice (see below) before beginning{document} for the copyright notice to show up (see example below). The code is already included in the custom template, but you still must select a correct copyright notice - the default selected copyright notice should fit for most works.

\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts \IEEEpubid\makebox[\columnwidth]{979-8-3503-3277-3/23/\$31.00~\copyright{}2023 IEEE \hfill}\hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}

  • Place the following macro to the second column of the title page (this macro ensures, that the title page height will be correctly set):\IEEEpubidadjcol

PDF Check and Upload

All camera-ready papers submitted to the IEEEXplore (regular and student papers) must be checked for pdf compatibility by the IEEE  PDF eXpress  tool.

The papers uploaded using  PDF eXpress  must already contain the copyright information: publication chairs are not allowed to make additional changes in the uploaded papers.

Creating your PDF eXpress Account

Log in to the IEEE  PDF eXpress  site.

First-time users should do the following:

  • Select the New Users - Click Here link.
  • Enter the following:
    • 57882X  for the Conference ID
    • your email address
    • a password
  • Continue to enter information as prompted.

An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.

Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.

Uploading Camera Ready Paper

Log into the  DDECS 2023 ConfTool , and follow the instructions below:

  • Follow the  Final Upload  link on the  Your Submissions  page, and follow the submission form, and upload the PDF checked by the PDF eXpress tool. PDF files not processed by  PDF eXpress  will not be accepted!
  • If you did any notable changes, eg paper title change, please indicate them in the section  Remarks on This Contribution  of the submission form.
  • Follow the  Electronic Copyright Form  link, proceed with the  Submit Contribution Details to IEEE to Start the Signing Process  button and complete the IEEE signing process.
  • Register for the DDECS 2023. At least one of the accepted paper authors must register for the conference.

In case of any problems, please contact Foisal Ahmed or  Jan Belohoubek  for help.


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